📅 December 22, 2022

Blazor UI Communication with .NET Community Toolkit

There are multiple ways to facilitate communication between components in Blazor. Chris Sainty has a great post here that explains a few ways. Recently, Microsoft released version 8 of the .NET Community Toolkit library which includes an IMessenger interface that can be used to...exchange messages. There are a couple of other Blazor libraries that do something similar (Blazor.EventAggregator and BlazorComponentBus). The Community Toolkit is supported by Microsoft and has been highly optimized according to this article.

You can utilize this interface to send and receive messages between various Blazor components. Below I have a simple example that shows this. You can view the code via GitHub here.


Create a new Blazor Server App Empty project. You can use this in Blazor WebAssembly as well, but I'll be using Blazor Server for this example.


This uses the WeakReferenceMessenger which does not require manually unregistering recipients. Registering with a Scoped lifetime is useful for Blazor Server so that state is not shared between users and separate browser windows/tabs.


The Index.Razor component is below. This component sends the CountModifiedMessage which will be handled by any components registered for it.

The steps here are:

  1. Add a Count property
  2. Add a button to increment the Count state
  3. Create the IncrementCount method
  4. Increment Count
  5. Add @inject IMessenger _messenger
  6. Add _messenger.Send(new CountModifiedMessage { Count = Count }); to IncrementCount
  7. Create CountModifiedMessage.cs with an int property Count. This can be created outside of the Index.razor component to be referenced by other components.
@page "/"

<button @onclick="IncrementCount">Increment Count</button>

@inject IMessenger _messenger

@code {
    public int Count { get; set; }

    public void IncrementCount()
        _messenger.Send(new CountModifiedMessage { Count = Count });


The Header.razor component is below. This component registers a handler for the CountModifiedMessage.

The steps here are:

  1. Add a Count property
  2. Add @inject IMessenger _messenger
  3. Register a recipient/hander for the CountModifiedMessage message in OnInitialized _messenger.Register<CountModifiedMessage>(this, (_, m) => CountModifiedHandler(m));
  4. Create the handler method CountModifiedHandler
  5. Set Count to the CountModifiedMessage.Count property and call StateHasChanged()
  6. Add this component to Index.razor


@inject IMessenger _messenger

@code {
    public int Count { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        _messenger.Register<CountModifiedMessage>(this, (_, m) => CountModifiedHandler(m));

    private void CountModifiedHandler(CountModifiedMessage message)
        Count = message.Count;



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