📅 February 2, 2025

Bits of Wisdom

Throughout the years, I have collected my favorite quotes and advice from books, e-mail newsletters, podcasts, etc. The items below are some of those nuggets I thought were worth saving.

Personal Growth & Learning

  • "The greatest teacher is called 'doing'"
  • "Confidence is built, not born"
  • "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change"
  • "You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind"
  • "Am I willing to look foolish today so I can learn something that will make me better tomorrow?"
  • "You're capable of more than you know. Don't be your own bottleneck"
  • "It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows"
  • "Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know"
  • "Mastery is the best goal because the rich can't buy it, the impatient can't rush it, the privileged can't inherit it, and nobody can steal it"

Mindset & Perspective

  • "You do not experience life, you experience the life you focus on"
  • "We see things and people not as they are, but as we are"
  • "Reality is undefeated. Embrace it"
  • "Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it"
  • "Know thyself"
  • "What might I be wrong about?"
  • "One of the biggest mistakes we make is assuming other people think the way we think"
  • "Focus on how you want your life to be, not how people perceive you"
  • "While you're busy fighting what is, you're blind to what could be"
  • "If you base your self-esteem on other people's approval, your confidence will always be unstable"


  • "The secret to being productive is to work on the right thing - even if it's at a slow pace"
  • "You cannot limit the work so you must limit your hours. Your time, not the work, is the only thing you can manage"
  • "Long-term consistency trumps short term intensity"
  • "Effective planning turns a daunting item into a series of small, clear, manageable tasks"
  • "If you've been head-down on a task for too long, lift your head up to make sure you're going the right way"
  • "The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities"
  • "Make it as easy as possible to work as hard as you can"
  • "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives"
  • "If your goal does not have a schedule, it is a dream"
  • "A rushed process is a failed process"
  • "Action cures fear"
  • "You get credit for action, not preparation"
  • "Do the simplest thing that works, then iterate"
  • "Keep busy. The worried person must lose himself in action, lest he wither in despair"
  • "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there"
  • "Now, not how"
  • "Don't hide behind the big. Do the smallest thing possible"
  • "Make before you manage"
  • "To know and not to do is really not to know"
  • "Finish something. Anything. Stop researching, planning, and preparing to do the work and just do the work"
  • "The only way to truly know if any idea works is to test it. And if you're looking for the best idea, test everything"

Technical & Engineering

  • "Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability"
  • "The best code can't make up for poor data structures"
  • "Duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction"
  • "Premature optimization and abstraction is the root of all evil. As simple as possible, but not simpler"
  • "It is much easier to add features to reliable software, than it is to add reliability to featureful software"
  • "The worst sin of performance engineering is applying effort to unproven problems"
  • "No matter what it is about, when you feel a single technique is your silver bullet solution for everything...that's not engineering. That's a religion"


  • "Relationships really are like a garden - if you don't tend to them, they wither"
  • "The easiest way to improve your relationship with anyone is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time"
  • "Hurry kills relationships. Love takes time; hurry doesn't have it"
  • "Connect first. Educate second"
  • "Lack of appreciation is where relationships go to die. Vocalize appreciation in the moment"
  • "When you avoid a hard conversation, you're taking on a debt that has to be repaid with interest"
  • "Say the thing you think you cannot say"
  • "Make the implicit explicit"
  • "The best way to get to yes in a negotiation is to truly understand what yes means for the other party"
  • "Good questions are asked with the desire to learn, and they are specific"

Peace & Well-being

  • "We suffer more in imagination than in reality"
  • "If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath"
  • "No amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen"
  • "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you"
  • "True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future"
  • "Today I escaped from anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions"
  • "The struggle ends when the gratitude begins"
  • "You can be relaxed and dedicated. Just because you worry more, doesn't mean you care more"
  • "Never worry alone"
  • "In everything, love simplicity"

Problem Solving & Decision Making

  • "Problem-solving: 1. Write down a problem. 2. Think very hard. 3. Write down the solution"
  • "How can we make this work?" instead of stopping at "This won't work because..."
  • "Is your reading and research supplementing your actions or substituting for them?"
  • "Procrastinating? My current task is probably not defined or too wide in scope. Explicitly define the next step"
  • "Focus your energy on $10,000 solutions, not $1 problems"
  • "The foolish person winds up doing at the end what the smart person does at the beginning"
  • "Assume zero knowledge and infinite intelligence"
  • "Quick judgements are antithetical to curiosity"
  • "Complaints don't solve problems"
  • "You don't need the answer, but rather an attitude of curiosity"
  • "When we become overly attached to a premature version of the work, we do a disservice to the project's potential"
  • "In terms of priority, inspiration comes first. You come next. The audience comes last"
  • "It's a healthy practice to approach our work with as few accepted rules, starting points, and limitations as possible"

Life Philosophy & Resilience

  • "There is no such thing as a quantum leap. There is only dogged persistence"
  • "He who suffers before it is necessary suffers more than is necessary"
  • "He who indulges empty fears earns himself real fears"
  • "When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this - you haven't"
  • "Too much agreeableness is an act of self betrayal"
  • "He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch"
  • "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"
  • "The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there"
  • "If you don't bring it with you, you won't find it there"
  • "The best work ethic requires a good rest ethic"
  • "The grass isn't greener on the other side, the grass is greener where you water it"
  • "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished"
  • "The part can never be well unless the whole is well"
  • "Less, but better"
  • "Priorities are like arms. If you think you have more than a couple, you're either lying or crazy"
  • "The man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest"
  • "Focus only on results and win one time. Focus on systems and win again and again"
  • "There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs"
  • "Your behavior, not your opinions, will change the world"
  • "You get back what you give"


  • "One of the most important qualities of a good leader is optimism, a pragmatic enthusiasm for what can be achieved. People are not energized by pessimists"
  • "Fear of failure destroys creativity"
  • "Great is often a collection of very small things"
  • "You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do"
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